6+boiled egg recipes 2020 for breakfast

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 Top 7 Boiled Egg Recipes 2020

boiled egg recipes

This is how eggs are boiled

(1. boiled eggs 2. poached eggs 3. eggs boiled in shape 4. fine egg punch, Royal, 5. fully poached eggs, half-poached eggs, lost eggs, completely lost eggs, half-lost eggs)

 How to boil egg sprint drink

17 pcs recipe

English translation1. boiled eggs 2. poached eggs 3. eggs in cups 4. savory egg custard, custard royale

French translation1. oeufs bouillis 2. oeufs pochés 3. oeufs en cocotte 4. oeuf royale

Italian translation1. uova bollito 2. uova in kamicia 3. uova in cocotte 4.? pastel uovo solidified

German translation1. boiled Eggs 2. Poached Eggs 3. Eggs and Cocotte 4. Eggs ticks

Spanish translation1. coccid eggs 2. escalated egg 3. cocotte eggs 4.? mass of shelled egg

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How to cook eggs:

Cooking time eggs

Boiled eggs (fr. Oeufs bouillis) food novices usually say that this is the only thing they can cook. Still, the egg cracks, or does not get cooked the way you want it to. After all, cooking eggs requires some knowledge to be right. Most people have a definite idea of ​​how they want their egg cooked, for example "the white should be firm and the yellow loose". It is best to cook guests' eggs according to their own instructions. You can boil eggs with shells or without, in water or portion form.

Test how fresh the egg is by putting the raw egg with shell in water. A fresh egg lays flat on the bottom, a one-week-old egg rises slightly and a three-week-old egg stands straight up from the bottom, with the blunt end facing up. If the egg floats to the surface, it is old and bad. Over time, some of the egg white evaporates and an air pocket forms at the blunt end of the egg that lifts the egg. A cracked egg is fresh if the yolk is high and the white lies like a thick film over and around the yolk. Outside there is a more watery egg white liquid (see picture> Chicken eggs).


boiled egg recipes

Eggs are boiled in water until half-cooked, loosely cooked, soft-boiled or hard-boiled according to your own wishes. Egg whites coagulate at 63 ° C. Read more> Cooking times eggs. Egg cookers see> Special cookers.

Refrigerated eggs break more easily when boiled than at room temperature and should be placed in cold water that is boiled. Cold eggs need to be boiled slightly longer than room temperature.
Eggs are boiled: Eggs are placed in boiling cold water or boiled water. The water should not boil just simmer "low and slow". Storm cooking makes eggs crack more easily and the white becomes hard and tough. One way to avoid too much heat is to remove the pan from the heat when the water has boiled.
Freshly boiled eggs are harder to peel, but suitable for poaching (see below).
You salt in the water, not because the risk of cracking decreases, but because if the egg cracks, the white streams solidify (coagulate) faster. If you know your stuff, you do not need to salt. The same applies if you add a little vinegar. Therefore, you add both salt and vinegar when poaching eggs without shells.
Cooling: Eggs are quickly rinsed in cold water to stop the cooking process and to be manageable. Hard-boiled eggs should be left in cold water for a while to be easily peeled.
Flavoring: Eggs can be flavored in all kinds of marinades. Suitable for salads and on buffet tables. See recipe> Japanese marinated boiled eggs.
Boiled eggs are eaten freshly cooked as they are for breakfast or snacks. Cold, sliced ​​or halved hard-boiled eggs are popular sandwich toppings or on buffet tables. Eggs go well with slightly salty products such as herring, anchovies, fish roe and tube caviar.


Eggs can be boiled in water without a shell, which is called poaching (fry Oeuf pooch, pooch = pocket, bag). To poach, culinary means to gently boil something at a low temperature (72-92 ° C), which is suitable for delicate goods such as fish or eggs without shells (read more> poach). See recipe> Poached eggs. Watch film via link below. Egg poachers see> Special cookers.

Fully poached eggs should have solidified white and loose yellow. This is how they are cooked.

The eggs must be fresh (see above). If the eggs are not so fresh, they can be pre-cooked with shells for 10 seconds, which is usually enough for the whites to stick together when poached. Crack one egg at a time in each cup or small bowl with a sloping side. A small dish can also work. It is best to first remove the watery egg white liquid, which you can do if the egg is cracked on a strainer or slotted spoon and lightly shake so that the watery runs off. Watch film via link below with Thomas Joseph.
The boiling water should be abundant. Salt and / or vinegar can be added to make the white solidify faster, but it also makes the white a little tougher and drier, possibly with a certain off-taste. The easiest way is to boil water and remove the saucepan from the heat so that it stops bubbling before you lay the eggs. Alternatively, keep the water boiling at 80-90ºC (use a thermometer).
Boil: Let the egg gently slide into the boiling water to simmer for 2-4 minutes. You can spin the boiling water before loading, which means that the white accumulates around the egg. You can also initially shape the egg white with a wooden spoon. Lift an egg and feel with your finger that the white is firm and that the yolk is loose.
Serve immediately if they are to be hot. They can be kept warm in warm, lightly salted water (60 ° C). If they are to be served cold, they are stored in lightly salted cold water. They can then be gently heated.
The perfect oval egg: The pros gently crack the egg in a strainer or on a slotted spoon and let the thin egg white drain off. Such an egg is boiled for a slightly shorter time 1-2 minutes (see film> Poaching a Perfectly Round Egg).
Half-poached eggs are easier to cook and are made in a frying pan with a little water in the bottom and with the help of egg ring (see> Egg rings). It looks like a fried egg but is boiled. See recipe> Poached eggs.

Lost eggs: In Sweden, poached eggs were formerly called "lost eggs". Analogously, they talked about completely lost and half lost. We have not found any explanation in old cookbooks or in historical food literature why they were "lost". Our guess is that you may have dropped eggs that cracked when they were to be cooked and that you then simply cooked them without a shell. If you know why, get in touch with us.

Fully poached eggs can be eaten hot or cold, for example, for an elegant breakfast or brunch. Perfect for hearty sandwiches or salads. Often served with creamy sauce such as béarnaise. Classic recipes with fully poached eggs:

Egg Benedict / Bénédictine (on a sandwich with salad, casseroles and hollandaise). See recipe Egg Benedict.
Oeuf à l´Americaine (with bacon, béarnaise / hollandaise, tomatoes).
Oeuf à la Russe (with russe vegetable salad, remoulade sauce and pickles).
Oeuf à la Bourguignon is poached with red wine sauce. See recipe> Sauce Bourguignon.
Other varieties with poached eggs are Egg Blackstone, Egg Florentine, Egg Hemmingway, Egg Hussard, Egg Sardou and different varieties of Benedict to infinity. An extinct classic is Poached Eggs in Jelly (Oeuf en gelée). A special variant is poached quail eggs. They are cooked in a different way, see ditto recipe.
boiled egg recipes


Boil eggs in portion form (fr. Oeuf en cocotte, a ramequin, a dariole) means to boil 1-2 eggs in small ovenproof forms (ramekins) mixed with cream or sauce and other ingredients. The molds are placed in a boiling water bath. Without a water bath, the eggs become tough on the outside before the inside measure is cooked. A cocotte (sv. Kokott) means, among other things, "pot" (read more> Pots).

Oeuf en cocotte (eggs in small portion form, shirred eggs = "collected egg") are eggs that are baked in a round oven form (dariol,) about 15 centimeters wide (see ditto recipe). The mold is set directly in the oven, preferably at a low temperature (100-125 ° C). See recipe> Eggs in the best shape with chanterelles; and> Pipérade basquaise in cocotte.

Shape: 1-2 dl. The molds are greased with shortening. See> Oven-proof porcelain.
Water bath: Water is filled in a plateau (frying pan with a high edge), pot or on an oven plate, a few centimeters high when the molds are in the water bath. They can be cooked on the stove under a lid or in an oven at 200 ° C.
Ingredients: Eggs with or without whipped cream, butter, spices and all kinds of filling. Usually an egg is cracked over a filling, but the filling can also be whipped together with the ingredients, as in recipe> Mushroom timbal.
Basic recipe: The molds are greased. A masked cream is placed in the bottom of the mold and an egg is cracked. Topped with a little cream and spices. Cook under a lid on the stove for 6-10 minutes or in the oven for 10-12 minutes, depending on how loose the yolk is desired. The basic rule is that the dish is ready when it has just solidified, but still trembles when you move the mold. See recipe> Oeuf and natural cocotte.
Preferably served immediately. However, the molds can stand outside the oven for 10-15 minutes if they are taken out before they are really ready.
Coconuts can be varied endlessly with different ingredients - meat, fish vegetables. A feature is to dress the buttered form with finely chopped leaf spices. The ingredients are sometimes pre-cooked and placed under the egg. Instead of cream, a tasty sauce can be used, for example Sauce soubise (white onion sauce) or sauce au cari (curry sauce). Brown base sauce is suitable for filling with mushrooms or tomatoes. See the respective sauce (read more> About sauce and sauces). See recipe> Oeuf a cocotte with flavor.

Oeuf en cocotte à la tartare = with minced meat, finely chopped onion and cream.
Oeuf en cocotte Bachaumont = with lightly milled vegetables and topped with broth-milled mushrooms.
Oeuf en cocotte Béranguere = minced chicken flavored with truffles and topped with kidney sauce.
Oeuf en cocotte Jeanette = minced chicken topped with butter-fried asparagus buds.
Shaped boiled egg: Eggs can be shaped and boiled in different ways, including to a cylinder (rod) with egg white outer and egg yolk in the middle. When slicing such a boiled egg, all slices become the same, similar to the middle piece of a regular egg. See recipe via link below> Long Egg. Another variant popular in Japan is to shape the yolk of the egg into hearts, stars, squares or the like. Watch film via link below> Weird Boiled Eggs.


Stanning ("solidification") is a process when liquid changes to a solid or semi-solid form, for example when egg whites and yolks coagulate by heat. The term applies to all cooking, but especially to eggs.

Egg punching ("eggs that have stopped" = solidified) can generally refer to eggs that have solidified, but specifically it is a dish of egg batter that is whipped together with milk / cream and oven-fried in a water bath. The dish is more or less extinct in Sweden as an ingredient in puddings. Still, most people have eaten it in the form of toppings on sushi (see recipe> Nigiri tamago). See recipe> Egg punch, fine egg punch, egg royal.

There are three types of egg punch:

Simple egg punch = 2 eggs, 3-4 dl milk, 1 tablespoon wheat flour. Used for dish puddings such as macaroni pudding. Read more> About pudding.
Fine egg punch = 4 eggs, 4 dl milk. Used in puddings, as an accompaniment to food, diced in soups, on a sandwich, or as a garnish of food.
Royal (fr. Royale) = 4 eggs, 1 dl milk, 1 dl cream. It is a finer, creamier variant of fine egg punch. Used naturally, for example diced in Consommé Royale (see ditto recipe, read more> Ready broth, consommé), or with a mixture of finely chopped roots and vegetables such as carrot (Royle à la Crécy), asparagus, celery stalks, tomatoes and the like.
Fine egg punch and Royal should be smooth and firm, at the same time porous and slightly creamy, evenly solidified and without blisters. Egg mass can bind double the volume of liquid when heated above 60ºC (= solidifies), but after 80ºC the protein begins to release liquid, the stay becomes watery. So do not cook for too long.

Read more
If eggs, then eggs are used

Cooking time eggs

Egg rings


Special cookers

About sauces and sauces


About pudding

Clear broth, consumable

Movie: Jamie Oliver Poached Eggs

Movie: Thomas Joseph Poaching and Perfectly Round Egg

Movie: Tommy Myllymäki's cooks eggs benedict

Movie: Oeuf Cocotte natural

Movie: Oeuf cocotte jambon and mushroom

Movie: Egg cocotte with salmon and spinach

Movie: Cocotte with Mushrooms

Movie: Oeufs en cocotte with Jacques Pepin

Movie: Brunch cocotte

Movie: Long Egg

Movie: Weird Boiled Eggs

Table of Contents

Cooking eggs
This is how eggs are boiled
Then fry eggs
This is how eggs are beaten.

This is how meringues are prepared
This is how soufflés are prepared.

Is a hard boiled egg good for breakfast?

What do you eat with hard boiled eggs?

What do you put in with boiled eggs to peel easily?

What can be made from boiled eggs?

Answers;Skipping breakfast, however, creates weight gain and disturbs your memory. The strongest and easiest breakfast option you can follow is eating hard boiled eggs for breakfast. A hard-boiled egg encourages you to shed extra kilos and offers with basic ingredients to start your day.

10 Ways to Choose Eggs to Eat Boiled Eggs








Add salt and vinegar to the water before cooking.

The salt is soaked in the tad shell, and the vinegar helps to separate the shells, making them easier to peel.

Just finish the avocado and cut eggs for a short morning breakfast at any time.

Very Good Eggs. ...

Egg Salad Salad. ...

Nicoise Salad for example. ...

Pickle-y egg salad too. ...

Cooking the Hard-boiled Egg with fresh vegetables. ...

Healed Eggs. ...

Fish Noodle Casserole.



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Healthy Breakfast Recipes: 6+boiled egg recipes 2020 for breakfast
6+boiled egg recipes 2020 for breakfast
find best eggs recipes for breakfast and enjoy smoothie recipes easy egg recipes
Healthy Breakfast Recipes
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